Monday, 9 January 2017

Software Applications with Affective Computing

1. EmoVu

EmoVu is an emotion recognition software that reads facial micro-expressions in real-time. This software application copies human vision from eye to learn about facial expressions. In addition, it also computes shape of the face and texture information like skin beauty and skin tone of the face through which this application recognize emotions. It is a deep learning based application.

2. SkyBiometry

SkyBiometry is a cloud-based face detection and recognition tool which allows to detect emotions in a photos. It analyzes each point of a picture and detects face at various angles. A user has to upload a file, and SkyBiometry detects faces, and senses the mood between happy, sad, angry or surprised etc, with a percentage rate for each point. It accurately determines if a person is smiling or not. 

3. HandVu

HandVu is a software which detects the hand in any standard position. It tracks the front side and outer boundary of the hand and then recognizes the exact position in which the hand is located. All this is implemented by using vision-based technique by picturing the whole location of the hand and then analyzing its shape and posture. 

4. InSight

InSight is a face analyzing software which is able to track tiny muscles on the face of a user and then translates them into facial expressions. This software uses a simple camera to track eye movements and eye condition in order to understand the user intentions and his interests. 

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