Sunday 29 January 2017

Architectural Description Languages - Comparative Analysis of Acme and Wright


ACME was developed jointly by Monroe, Garlan (CMU) and Wile (USC). It is a small and rather simple language. It holds the concepts system, component, connector, port, role and representation.

ACME provides a template mechanism, which can be used for abstracting common reusable architectural idioms and patterns. ACME allows defining user specified constraints on architecture elements to model patterns.


System simple_cs = {
     Component client = {Port send-request}
     Component server = {Port receive-request}
     Connector rpc = {Roles {caller, called}}
     Attachments : {client.send-request to rpc.caller;
     server.receive-request to rpc.called}


Wright was developed by Dr. David Garlan at Carnegle Mallon University. This language deals with checking component interactions through their interfaces. The models include components, connectors, ports, roles (interfaces), attachments, and styles

Rich connector support in Wright makes it a good option for patterns that heavily rely on connector and protocol specifications. Wright provides connector protocols as roles and glues, where glues can be used to define and constrain the behavior of interacting components

Components, connectors, interfaces, attachments, styles

computation elements with multiple ports.

Roles and Glue

System simple_cs
   Component client = port send-request  = [behavioral spec]
         spec =  [behavioral spec]
  Component server = port receive-request= [behavioral spec]
         spec = [behavioral spec]
  Connector rpc = role caller = (request!x -> result?x ->caller) ^  STOP
         role called = (invoke?x -> return!x -> called) [] STOP
glue =  (caller.request?x -> called.invoke!x
       -> called.return?x -> called.result!x
             -> glue) [] STOP
s : server
c : client
r : rpc
client.send-request as  rpc.caller
server.receive-request as  rpc.called
end simple_cs.

Table: Syntax Support for Patterns in the ADLs

Strength: ACME can be used to express client-server components and configuration constraints for defining communication links and topologies
Strength: ACME is used to express filters, pipes and data flow links
Strength: ACME can be used to express grouping among components
Strength: Compatibility checking of clients and server is well supported, Deadlock detection is addressed by the use of roles and glues, allows complex topologies, reconfiguration supported, dynamism supported.

Weakness: Topological constraints not explicitly addressed
Strength: Wright provides roles and glue support for expressing pipes and to define data flow connections among filters
Strength: Roles and glue specification can be used to express layered information flow constraints

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